3 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Trees for Your Outdoor Spaces

Posted on: 26 September 2022

Having the right tree in the ideal part of the yard can take your outdoor living to the next level. Good trees bring in some shade, freshen the air and add to the aesthetic beauty of the yard. The best time to create this type of yard is when planning and implementing the landscaping for the first time. Unlike flowers and grass, trees take time to mature and are a more permanent feature in the yard. Therefore, you need to choose the best species for the best outcome. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect tree types for outdoor living.  

Assess Available Growing Space 

A tree might seem small enough to squeeze into any space when transferring it from the nursery to the ground. However, it will expand and fill up your available space. When this happens, you might encounter complications like tree roots getting into the foundation, swimming pool and the rest of the house. You can prevent this by sizing up the growing space and asking how much space the available species needs to develop. Additionally, consider the crown size that the tree might achieve at maturity. The last thing you want is a tree whose branches hang over the roof of the neighbour's property. 

Write Down the Tree's Function

Consider the function you want the tree to serve before investing in it. For example, there is a difference between a decorative tree and a tree you need for shade. Similarly, you will need a different tree type to block the wind and keep the home sheltered from storms. When speaking to the nursery, mention what you want your tree to achieve, and they can help you achieve it. 

Check the Ideal Tree Growing Conditions

The prevalent weather and climate conditions close to you also matter during the selection process. Local nurseries typically grow the trees that will do excellently within the locality. However, you still need to select a few species that can survive your weather conditions. Ask what support you might have to give the tree as it grows when getting them from the nursery.

If you need several trees of the same species, contact a wholesale tree nursery near you. You can ask to speak to an employee and ask them what species they have available in bulk. You can have a beautiful, sheltered and comfortable yard by planting the ideal trees.  


Dan's Home and Garden Blog

Hello, my name is Dan. I have recently discovered a new passion for home and garden renovation. It came completely by accident. I had never really been interested in home and garden work until my landlord called in a team of contractors to work on the place I am living in at the moment. At first, I was slightly annoyed by the disruption that the work caused but as I got talking to the team, I became more and more interested in what they were doing. I am now planning to buy my own place so I can put my new learnt skills to good use fixing up the place.

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